Jari's hjemmeside
Word of the day..."Computers are like airconditioners, they don't work properly when you open windows..." |
LaTeX koder
[2017-05-13] En ret god liste over LaTeX koder findes på a href="http://latex.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_LaTeX_symbols">List of LaTeX symbols.
Phoenix Mars Lander lander på Mars i morgen!
[2007-05-24] I Morgen (søndag 25-05-08) lander rumsonden Phoenix, om alt går vel på Mars' nordpol. Dette er en meget spæandende landing, da området hvor Phoenix skal lande, højst sansynligt er rigt på is, of en stor del af undersøgelserne er relaterede til søgningen efter liv. Læs mere på [www.nasa.gov/phoenix] og [www.nbi.ku.dk/mars].
Artikler om Phoenix: #1 videnskab.dk, #2 Ingeniøren.
Video : Video #1 - NASA TV - NASA TV Media Player
Blogs: [Dansk blog frá Tucson, Arizona] [planetary.org] [Nice! #1]
TV : TV2
portal.fo: [Artikel #1]
Neerdy stuff: Running Linux on a Windows PC.
[17-08-2007] It is possible to run linux on a Windows machine without a dual boot and all that comes with that.
Just download Microsoft Virtual PC and install it.
Then download a Linux CD (I've only tried Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu) image, and follow the instructions on the below page (link).
An excelent How-to is here. - You just gotta love Ubuntu!
Windows XP shortcuts
Windows XP contains a lot of (mostly) unknown shortcuts and key kombinations. I have obtained a document with a lot of these listed, and am making them available here. Below is the first section of the list, and the full list (original) in HTML format is here.
Keystroke | Function |
Opens the Start menu | |
+ E | Opens My Computer in Windows Explorer |
+ Pause/Break | Opens the System Properties dialog box |
+ U | Opens the Utility Manager |
+ R | Opens the Run prompt |
+ F | Opens the Search for Files and Folder window |
+ Ctrl + F | Opens the search for computers on the network |
+ M | Minimize all windows |
+ Shift + M | Maximize all windows (after minimizing them) |
+ D | Minimize all windows to the desktop, and then restore all Windows |
+ L | Lock Computer |
Help classify galxies
[13-07-07] Make a contribution to science. Help analyze galaxies at galaxyzoo.org.