
Jari's hjemmeside

Word of the day...

Defence Attorney: Will you please state your age?

Little Old Lady: I am 92 years old.

Defence Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words what happened
the night of April 1st?
Little Old Lady: There I was, sitting there in my swing, on my
front porch on a warm spring evening, when a young man comes creeping up on the porch and
sat down beside me.
Defence Attorney: Did you know
Little Old Lady: No, but he sure was friendly.

Defence Attorney: What happened after he sat down?

Little Old Lady: He started to rub my thigh.

Defence Attorney: Did you stop him?

Little Old Lady: No, I didn't stop him.

Defence Attorney: Why not?

Little Old Lady: It felt good. Nobody had done that since
my Abner died some 30 years ago.
Defence Attorney: What happened next?

Little Old Lady: He began to rub my breasts.

Defence Attorney:
Did you stop him then?
Little Old Lady: No, I did not stop him.

Defence Attorney: Why not?

Little Old Lady: His rubbing made me feel all alive and excited.
I haven't felt that good in years!
Defence Attorney: What happened next?

Little Old Lady: Well, by then, I was feeling really "spicy" so
I just laid down and told him "Take me, young
man. Take me!"
Defence Attorney: Did he take you?

Little Old Lady: Hell, no! He just yelled, "April Fools!"
And that's when I shot him, the little bastard!

... Alle vittighederne...

LaTeX koder

[2017-05-13] En ret god liste over LaTeX koder findes på a href="http://latex.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_LaTeX_symbols">List of LaTeX symbols.

Phoenix Mars Lander lander på Mars i morgen!

[2007-05-24] I Morgen (søndag 25-05-08) lander rumsonden Phoenix, om alt går vel på Mars' nordpol. Dette er en meget spæandende landing, da området hvor Phoenix skal lande, højst sansynligt er rigt på is, of en stor del af undersøgelserne er relaterede til søgningen efter liv. Læs mere på [www.nasa.gov/phoenix] og [www.nbi.ku.dk/mars].
Artikler om Phoenix: #1 videnskab.dk, #2 Ingeniøren.
Video : Video #1 - NASA TV - NASA TV Media Player
Blogs: [Dansk blog frá Tucson, Arizona] [planetary.org] [Nice! #1]
TV : TV2
portal.fo: [Artikel #1]

Neerdy stuff: Running Linux on a Windows PC.

[17-08-2007] It is possible to run linux on a Windows machine without a dual boot and all that comes with that. Just download Microsoft Virtual PC and install it. Then download a Linux CD (I've only tried Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu) image, and follow the instructions on the below page (link).

An excelent How-to is here. - You just gotta love Ubuntu!

Windows XP shortcuts

Windows XP contains a lot of (mostly) unknown shortcuts and key kombinations. I have obtained a document with a lot of these listed, and am making them available here. Below is the first section of the list, and the full list (original) in HTML format is here.

Opens the Start menu
+ E Opens My Computer in Windows Explorer
+ Pause/Break Opens the System Properties dialog box
+ U Opens the Utility Manager
+ R Opens the Run… prompt
+ F Opens the Search for Files and Folder window
+ Ctrl + F Opens the search for computers on the network
+ M Minimize all windows
+ Shift + M Maximize all windows (after minimizing them)
+ D Minimize all windows to the desktop, and then restore all Windows
+ L Lock Computer

Help classify galxies

[13-07-07] Make a contribution to science. Help analyze galaxies at galaxyzoo.org.

Nu har jeg også min egen blog...

Besøg min blog... her

Føroysk Skype umseting.

Ein føroysk skype umseting er á veg... Heinta fyribils umsetingina her ...

Myndir frá mínum túri í Sydney í Australia - Images from my trip to Sydney, Australia.

[06-01-06] Myndir úr Sydney í australia har eg var á konferancu.

[11-10-05] Livi og arbeiði í Sveits. Living and working in Switzerland

Eg eri í Sveits og arbeiði á PSI. Meðan eg eri her búgvi eg her. Tú kann ringja til mín við at klikkja her.
Eg var ein túr í Zurich leygardagin 15/10 og tók myndir. Sunnudagin 30/10 var eg ein túr runt í Brugg har eg búgvi og tók myndir. Eitt úrval av myndunum frá hesum báðum túrum sæst her. Ein uppdaterað myndafrásøgn frá PSI har eg arbeiði er her her.
I am currently working in Switzerland at the PSI. I live here. You can call me by clicking here.

[15-09-05] Spæli við Linux
[15-09-05] Playing with Linux

Eg spæli við Ubuntu Linux fyri tíðina, og eg havi tí gjørt ein líttla Linux síðu har tú kann lesa um mínar royndir við Linux.
I am current playing with Ubuntu Linux, and I have therefore created a small Linux page where you can about my experiences.

[07-09-05] Selected net-radio stations

Selcted netradio stations, also for Linux... here.


[28-08-05] Videoklipp av Jari sum spælir fysikari: #1 #2 #3 #4
[28-08-05] Myndir av Ólavsøkuni 2005
[13-06-05] Myndir úr Anglet í Frakaríki har eg var á skeið.
[27-05-05] Myndir av PSI har eg var og gjørdi eksperimetir.

[31-03-04] Jarisa stakkals bein

Røntgenmyndir av tí stakkals beinum hjá Jari: Mynd 1 & Mynd 2.

[31-12-04] Vígslumyndir

Myndir tiknar av vígsluni hjá Tórður Kruse Mørkøre og Rannvá Ragnarsdóttir t. 29-12-2004 í Havnar kirkju.

[31-12-04] Jólamyndir av Teiti

Myndir av Teiti, gudsoninum.

[01-10-04] Føroysk rættstaving

WebStav - ein føroyskur rættstavari á netinum. Tað er frítt at brúka hann.
Øll eru vælkomin at koma við uppskotum til betringar. Enn á royndarstøði!

MER á Mars

MER'arnir (Mars Exploration Rovers) Spirit og Opportunity koyra í løtuni runt á gongustørnuni Mars. Har hava teir funnið prógv fyri at Mars í fortíðini hevur haft flótandi vatn í longri tíðarskeið.
Undirritaði er partur av danska granskingar bólkinum (her) ið hevur instrumentir umborð.

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