Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

[fo] Ein góður dagur í Havnadali

Í summar, ímeðan eg var í Føroyum i samband við føðingardagin hjá abba, var eg í Havnadali saman við Gert, mammu, Teiti og Bjørk og fiskaði síl, hetta var ein góður dagur sum eg tók nakrar myndir av.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

[fo] Bloggurin hjá didduni / [dk] Diddan's blog

[fo] So, nú sleppi eg ikki meir at skriva um didduna... Hon hevur gjørt sær sín egna blogg, og givið mær strangar ordrar at eg ikki skal leggja nakað út her meir uppá nakkan á henni... So tískil noyðist eg at vísa til hennara blogg har hion fer at leggja myndir út sjálv:)


[dk] Det var det! ... Nú får jeg ikke lov til det mere... Ninna har givet mig strenge ordrer om at jeg ikke skal lægge flere billeder ud på nettet på hendes vegne... Det vil hun have lov til at gøre selv... Derfor må jeg i fremtiden henvise til hendes egen blog hvor hun vil lægge billeder af sig selv ud:)

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

[fo] Diddan veksur enn ...

So eru vit aftur her við nøkrum myndum... Diddan veksur og stórtrívist, og er byrja at smíla, gálva, flenna og agøøh'a og vit eru øgiliga stolt foreldur at fitttastu didduni í verðini...

PS. Myndirnar liggja her.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

[fo] Jens Jacob í Hjøllum 85 ár

Jens Jacob í Hjøllum 85 ár

í dag, 22. august 2009 verður Jens Jacob í Hjøllum (føddur Olsen) 85 ár. Jens Jacob varð føddur 22. august 1924 á Toftum. Hann er sonur Óla og Ulrikku Olsen. Hann er tridi í røðini úr einum syskinaflokki av seks. Jens Jacob byrjaði drúgvu lívsleið sína við sum at fara til skips við...

Myndir eru her og slideshowið er her.

Myndir av føðingardagshaldinum eru her.

Hjartaliga tillukku!!

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

[fo] Diddan veksur...

Diddan er nú 3 vikur og 4 dagar og vigar 4150g og er 53cm, tvs at hon hevur tikið 840g ella 25.4% uppá í vekt síðani hon varð fødd, og 650g uppá uppá 2 vikur og tað er ordiliga fínt segði tann klóka konan sum var uppá besøk mikudagin.
Eisini hava vit tikið nakrar myndir seinastu vikurnar sum vit hava lagt út. Myndirnar eru her.
Hygg aftur um nakrar dagar, so hava vit helst lagt nakrar myndir út afturat.

PS. hon verður lekkrari fyri hvønn dag,
PPS. ... og er eisini byrjað at smílast eitt sindur halda stoltu foreldrini:)

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Monday, July 27, 2009

[fo] Diddan er komin

Hey øll

Sunnukvøldið 26. juli kl 20:43 varð eg pápi at eini fittari lítlari prinsessu.
Mamma og barn hava tað gott.

Nakrar fáar myndir eru her: Myndir av didduni.


PS. Hon vigaði 3310g og var 50cm long.

PPS. Diddan hevur longu fingið sín egna blogg á

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

[fo] Á ferð í Knoxville, Tennesse, USA

Eg eri júst afturkomin úr Knoxville Tennesse, har eg var á konferancu. Konferancan var góð og hørð men vit fingu allíkavæl tíð at hugna okkum eitt sindur, sum myndirnar eisini vísa. Myndirnar eru her.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

[fo] Skíferia í Bad Gastein '09

So eru myndirnar frá skíferiuni í Bad Gastein lagdar út.... Her er tær!

Gert hevur eisini lagt myndir út... tær eru her.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

{fo] Jól á Toftum / [dk] Jul på Toftir

[fo] Aftur í ár halda vit jól á Toftum... Til tess at halda tykkum øll uppdateraði við okkara deiliga jólahugna leggi eg so líðani myndirnar út her ...

[dk] Igen i år holder vi jul på Toftir .... For at I alle kan følge lidt med i vores hyggelige jul vil jeg hen ad vejen lægge nogen billeder ud her ...

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

[en] Then I finally got my Ph.D.

Friday the 17th og Oct var a big day for me. After almost four years of struggle I was to defend my Ph.D. thesis on the H.C. Ørsteds institute. It went well. After 45 min of talk and 1½ hours of questioning, the opponents withdrew to vote on a verdict. At the same time I waited with supervisors, colleages, friends and family for the verdict. It took a while, but then they got back and read the verdict out loud, and vupti, then I was a Ph.D.!

In the evening I had invited everyone for a little get-together at home. There were quite a few guests, and it wasw very cozy.

Pictures from the entire day are available here.

My thesis is available here and my talk is available here.

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[fo] So fekk eg endiliga mín Ph.D.

Fríggjadagurin 17. okt. var ein stórur dagur fyri meg. Aftanaá at hava kempa fyri tí í næstan fýra ár skuldi eg verja mín Ph.D. ritgerð á H.C. Ørsteds instituttinum. Tað gekk væl. Eftir at hava hildið ein fyrilestur uppá 45 min og svara spurningum í 1½ tíma takkaðu oppopnentarnir fyri seg og fóru í einrúm fyri at votera. ímeðan bíðaði eg saman við áhoyrarum, vegleiðarum, starvsfeløgum, vinfólki og familju eftir dóminum. Tað tók eina løtu, men so komu tey aftur og lósu dómin upp og vupti, so var eg Ph.D.!

Um kvøldið hevði eg opið hús heima, har eg fekk nokkso fitt av gestum. Hetta var eisini sera hugnaligt!

Myndir frá hesum langa degnum eru her.

Min ritgerð sæst her her og mín fyrilestur er her.

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[dk] Så fik jeg endelig min Ph.D.

Fredag den 17. okt. var en stor dag for mig. Efter næsten fire års kamp skulle jeg forsvare min Ph.D. afhandling på H.C. Ørsteds instituttet. Det gik fint. Efter 45 mins forelæsning og 1½ times spørgsmål trak opponenterne sig tilbage for at votere. Imens ventede jeg sammen med tilhørere, vejledere, kollegaer, vennner og familie på dommen. Det tog et godt stykke tid, men så kom de tilbage og læste dommen op, og vupti så var jeg Ph.D.!

Om aftenen havde jeg et lille kom-sammen hjemme hvor der kom en del gæster, det var også meget hyggeligt!

Billeder fra hele denne lange dag ses her.

Min afhandling er her og min forelæsning er her.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

[fo] Myndir úr Føroyum sep. 2008 / [en] Images from Faroe Islands sep. 2008

[fo] Eg hevði eina sera góða feriu heima í Føroyum í sep. 2008. Myndir frá feriuni eru her.

[en] I had a very nice and enjoyable vacation on the Faroe Islands in sep. 2008. Images from the vacation are found here.
Posted by Picasa

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

[fo] Maggi og val í Nes kommunu...

So er val í Nes kommunu, og sum sæst er eisini ein Hjøllu-maður uppií leikinum har :) - Nevniliga Maggi sum situr og ansar eftir at alt fer rætt fram.

Mynd: Vilmund Jacobsen.
Søgan sæst her.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

[dk] Tillykke til Jeppe

Som der stod i dag i "Dwarf Letter" et nyhedsbrev fra Fysik på Københavns Universitet [link]:

Cand. Scient. Nano no. 2

Jeppe Fock is the second student to finish his degree at Nano-Science Center. The title of his thesis is: "FRET in DNA/PNA nanostructures" supervisors are Kirstine Kilså and Peter E Nielsen (SUND).

Tilykke Jeppe!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

[dk] Fra dengang mænd var mænd og kvinder var koner...

Monday, December 31, 2007

[fo] Eg eri ímóti Sandoyartunnli, tí ...

Lat meg byrja við at siga at eg principielt ikki eri ímóti einum Sandoyartunnli. Men eg eri hart ímóti Sandoyartunnlinum í verandi líki, tí at tað er ikki fíggjarliga ráðiligt í løtuni. Sum eg skilji tað, er hetta uppskotið bert so nógv tað stórsta og flottasta dømið um tann super-lokalpatriotiska politikkin sum vit hava roynt at sleppa undan, og sum nógv hava talað ímóti í nógv nógv ár. Harafturat ber hetta brá av at vera ein lappaloysn, ella ikki loysn, men lappa-uppskot ið slettis ikki er gjøgnumhugsað ella gjøgnumviðgjørd.

Harafturat kann mann leggja, at havnin í Skopun hevur verið í ger ella undir útbygging (at síggja til uttan mál og mið mestu tíðina) í uml. 30 ár. So spreingir mann helvtina av streymoynni burtur til tess at gera Gomlurætt (sum sjálv, longu meðan hon stóð í gerð, varð kallað óðamannaverk), og byggir nýggjan Teista sum siglir í pendulfart - Men eru tær 1400 sálirnar á Sandoynni nøgdar við tað? - Nei, nei teir skulu hava meir - Og tað hava teir fingið, eina hálva millión krónur í part í Jólagávu frá restini av Føroya fólki.

Um mann nú skal vera eitt sindur beistaktigur so kundi mann sagt at tað uppá sikt hevði verið bíligari fyri restina av Føroyum, bara at givið hvørjum Sandoyingi hasa ½ mio. kr kontant, við tí treyt at teir fluttu av oynni innan 2 ár. Hetta hongur saman tí at um man roknar við einum miðal húski uppá 4 so høvdu tey 2 mio. kr. at keypa sær hús fyri aðrastaðni, og man hevði ikki haft útjaðaraútreiðslur av Sandoynni meir. Ná men líka mikið - hatta var bert eitt tankaeksperiment.

Um ein hinvegin hugsar sær at skilagóðir (og gjarna vælútbúnir), settu seg niður og gjørdu eina visjón fyri Føroyar (ikki eitt tómt skal eins og Visjón 2015) í framtíðini, við hartilhoyrandi, útbygging av infrastrukturi, lestrar- og granskingarstrukturi, vinnulívsstrukturi vm., og eisini tók skatta-, økonomi-, arbeiðsmarknaðar-, útflutningsvinklar uppí, ja so hevði eg verið fyri bæði einum Sandoyar- og einum Suðuroyartunnli, tí so kundi aðrir Føroyingar sæð (eisini svart uppá hvítt), at tað loysti seg at binda alt landið saman í eitt vegakervið. T.d. hevði tað økt munandi um dynamikkin í økonomiinum í hesum báðum oyggjum um man kundi haft service-fyritøkur ið kundu bjóða út sína tænastu til onnur enn egnar oyggja-búgvar.

Sum eg síggji tað, so er tað vit skulu liva av í framtíðini, at útflyta vitan. Og tí er tað umráðandi at vit skapa umstøður at toga heim allar teir hundratals sera sera vælútbúðnu føroyingar ið búgva uttanlanda, og ið ikki koma heim tí at her ikki eru størv til teir. Mín vón skal tí vera at vit fáa ein nýggjan stundentaskúla í Hoydølum og at Fróðskaparsetur Føroya fær økt sína játtan við 1% av tí játtan ið júst er givin Sandoyingum.

Allar seinast fari eg at ynskja, at føroyingar ikki velja inn "visjonerar" menn sum Gerhard Logberg, Marius Dam og teirra líkar (ongin nevndur, ongin gloymdur), ið eftir mínum tykki, eru beinleiðis skaðiligir fyri Føroyar. Føroyingar, beri nú Føroyar inn í 20. øld (og ja, eg meini tjúgundu), so kunnu vit royna 21. aftaná.

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

[en] Christmas Storm on the Faroe Islands

The day before Christmas eve (Tollaksmessudag) there is a big storm on the Faroe Islands with wind speeds of 30 m/s (with peaks of 57 m/s). I took some pictures earlier today.

As a Christmas greeting a friend of mine sent me this very funny clip.

Merry Christmas everybody!


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Monday, December 10, 2007

[fo] So eru vit flutt inn í okkara nýggju hús...

Síðsta leygardag fluttu vit inn í okkara nýggju deiligu hús. Hetta var ein stórur dagur! Síðani eru vit komin uppá pláss so at tað nú er vorið eitt rættuligt heim - Her eru nakrar myndir av húsinum.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

[en] 15 cool word illusions

Find them here.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

[en] A confimation ... by NG

Of course we all knew that this was true, but now we have it verified by others :

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[fo] Ein váttan... frá NG

Vit vistu jú øll at hetta var sannheit, men nú er tað eisini váttað av øðrum :

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Friday, October 26, 2007

[en] Online TV

I have just found a service which alows you to watch various channel live online on your computer, such as DR1, DR2, TV2, NRK1 og others: Zattoo .
Since we are at the subject, I can also mention Joost (which I dont like very much) and Babelgum (which looks better).

[Faroese version]

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[fo] Online sjónvarp

Havi akkurát funnið eina tænastu ið loyvir einum at hyggja eftir ymsum kanalum live á telduni, eitt nú DR1, DR2, TV2, NRK1 og aðrar : Zattoo .
Nú vit eru har, kann eg eisini nevna Joost (sum mær ikki dámar so væl) og Babelgum (sum sær út til at vera betri).

[English version]

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

[en] How to remove ATI Catalyst from desktop right click menu

To remove the above I found a very good link here, where it says:

Removing the ATI Catalyst context-menu entry

  • Open Regedit.exe and navigate to:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Background \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers

  • One of the sub-keys is the entry added by ATI software. (Usually named ACE)
  • Select the ACE sub-key, and then backup the key by exporting it
  • Delete the ACE entry, and close Regedit.exe

The only handler present by default (in a clean XP installation) is the New handler. If you find any additional sub-keys there, it may have be added by third-party applications. Usually, the software that comes with your graphic card adds entries to the above location.

[en] Mobile sound formats

So I downloaded a sound clip (in .amr format) from a Nokia 6230i phone and expected to be able to play it on my pc. Great was my dissapointment when this was not the case.
Having surfed around for a free converter I found Mobile AMR converter which is able to perform amr to wav, but not to mp3. This sufficient though, as a further conversion can be performed with for instance Audacity .

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

[en] A fantastic page

Stumbled upon this great page - it's fun and you just might learn some physics reading it.
Here it is.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

[en] Big news!

Read a wonderful article on today - but there is something wrong isn't there?
Extracting energy from salt water.... Youtube video here. Please then go down and read the comments.

Bottom line: This is a reinvented eternity machine - and we all know how well that works!

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

[fo] Myndir frá tveimum teimum seinastu vikuskiftunum

Hetta vikuskift vóru eg og Ulrik og vitjaðu mormor og morfar.

Síðsta vikuskift vóru vit á kano-túri ...

Herfyri var føðingardagsveistla hjá Sannu Elinu og Fridu í Ballerup ...

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Monday, September 3, 2007

[en] Useful programs

Following the thread laid out earlier in this blog, I want to list two programs that I have found very useful, and would like to recommend:
  • YPOPs! -(Link 1, Link 2) A program which makes it possible to download mail from your Yahoo! email account to a email client such as Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Outlook, Outlook express etc. [Windows]
  • StartupRun - A program which makes it possible for you to control which programs/processes start up when you boot your computer. Very userful if you want a faster boot time. [Windows]
  • Photo Crop Mechanics - Eitt forrit at skera digital myndir til við so at tær fara frá 3:4 (10x13cm) formati til at tað góða gamla vælkenda (og betri) 2:3 (10x15cm) formatið. Alternativ 1 - Alternativ 2 .

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Friday, August 31, 2007

[en] Oooops! Too much browsing

I just became member of a very exclusive club, the club to have experienced something very special. To see what I saw go here.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

[en] Whale killing in the Faroe Islands

Today a herd of Pilot whales where killed in Tórshavn on the Faroe Islands. There is a article about this here. Also you can enjoy the beautiful images from the killings here in these two galleries: Gallery 1 and Gallery 2.

Long live the Pilot whale killings!

Having received criticism for this article I have deceived to add some more informative text on the killing from - Whaling in the Faroe Islands.


Whaling in the Faroe Islands has been practised since at least the tenth century.[1] It is regulated by Faroese authorities and approved by the International Whaling Commission. Around 950 Long-finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala melaena) are killed annually, mainly during the summer. Occasionally, other species are hunted as well, such as the Northern Bottlenose Whale and Atlantic White-sided Dolphin. The hunts, called "grindadráp" in Faroese, are non-commercial and are organised on a community level; anyone can participate. The hunters first surround the pilot whales with a wide semi-circle of boats. The boats then drive the pilot whales slowly into a bay or to the bottom of a fjord.

Most Faroese consider the hunt an important part of their culture and history. However, animal rights groups criticize the hunt as being cruel and unnecessary.[2] [3] The hunters claim in return that most journalists do not exhibit sufficient knowledge of the catch methods or its economic significance.[4]

Good whaling... Jari

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

[en] List open ports on your PC

Have you ever wondered which ports are open on your PC? Both active outgoing and listening?
A tip is to use netstat which is built into Windows. I used the netstat -ano command (from the command prompt) to find a process which was using a port, which was meant to be used by another program. The above command will provide you with the Process ID (PID) of the program for each connection. The use the Windows Task Manager to find the PID (can be seen under the Processes tab, provided that you have selected the PID to be display).

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

[fo] ÍF Føroyar Hondbóltur fingið heimasíðu

So hevur hondbóltsdeildin hjá ÍF Føroyum fingið eina heimasíðu. Tí tekniska havi eg staðið fyri og frúan hevur fixa designið. Eg havi gjørt hana við CMS skipanini drupal, og vísir seg at hava stórar møguleikar... Og tað hevur eisini verið stuttligt at haft við at gjørt.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

[en] Windows XP shortcuts

Windows XP contains a lot of (mostly) unknown shortcuts and key kombinations. I have obtained a document with a lot of these listed, and am making them available here. Below is the first section of the list, and the full list (original) in HTML format is here.

Opens the Start menu
+ E Opens My Computer in Windows Explorer
+ Pause/Break Opens the System Properties dialog box
+ U Opens the Utility Manager
+ R Opens the Run… prompt
+ F Opens the Search for Files and Folder window
+ Ctrl + F Opens the search for computers on the network
+ M Minimize all windows
+ Shift + M Maximize all windows (after minimizing them)
+ D Minimize all windows to the desktop, and then restore all Windows
+ L Lock Computer

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Monday, August 13, 2007

[fo] Mamma fekk nýtt gólv

So fekk mamma sítt nýggja gólv:-)

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[en] To undelete your files

Just another snippet... (I've gotta put them together at some point)

To undelete a file or files that you have deleted by accident (and they are not in your "Recycle bin" or "Trash".

  • FreeUndelete: Yesterday I had significant success using the program FreeUndelete, which is free and can be downloadewd here. It is not the most user-friendly program in the world, but bear with it, it just might help you out.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

[fo] Ger windows skjótari ....

Ein 10 ára gamal feilur kann rættast, og gera telduna skjótari... les meira her.

Havi nú sjálvur roynt hetta, og niðurstøðan er .... IKKI GERA HETTA - MÍN TELDA KRAJSAÐI! OG EG MUNDI IKKI FINGIÐ HANA UPPAFTUR.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

[en] Our cousin got a scholarship

Recently it came to my attention that our cousin Jeppe has got a scholarship (check it here) - we congratulate him.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

[en] Prizes

I have in the last few weeks had the pleasure of winning two prizes:

The prize for best phd-talk at the Danish Physical Society's Annual meeting in Nyborg 19-20th July 2007.

At the ECNS 2007 I was awarded one of the poster prizes for my poster on (European Conference on Neutron Scattering "Criticality in CoO Nanoparticles" (Poster no. M122).

Today (12-07-2007) a news article appeared on the internal homepage Risø National Laboratory where I work. It is not accessible from the outside, but I made a copy. Here it is: Main page - News article.


Saturday, June 30, 2007

[fo] Ottar á Oyggjaleikunum

Ottar er íløtuni staddur á Rhodos har hann luttekur í Oyggjaleikunum 2007 í Triatlon fyri Føroyar (info). Úrslitini síggjast her.

Vit her á ynskja honum og restini av føroyska liðnum góða eydnu!

Fylg við á netinum: | Kringvarp Føroya |

Ymsar ítróttargreinar:


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

[fo] Ottar student!

Í dag fekk Ottar beiggin sín síðsta karakter (sum ikki var so galin:-) ) og fekk hann so húgvuna á høvdið.
Eg vil herfrá (sitandi í Svøríki) ynskja honum hjartaliga tillukku við húgvuni (og próvnum tá hann fær tað handað).


Sunday, June 24, 2007

[en] How to reinstall a computer

To reinstall a computer:
  1. Obtain a Windows CD, and make sure you have the licens key.
  2. Put the CD in the drive and reboot the computer.
  3. If the computer asks you to press a key, then do that, and it will the boot from the CD.
  4. If the computer does not do this, you have to enter the BIOS to change some stuff.
    • If you don't know what you are doing, then stop here! If there is a place where you have to know what you are doing, it's in the BIOS!! You can make serious damage there!! Call someone who knows stuff about computers, and ask.
    • If you do know what to do, then make the computer boot from the CD as first device, save the changes, and reboot the computer.
  5. The installation process will now start, and it may well take a while.
  6. Choos to make a new installation of Windows.
  7. When you get to the point, where you choose where to install Windows, and how, then choose the first drive (most often the correct choice), and choose to format it using NTFS, and choose the 'quick' option.
  8. Now its straight forward :-) Do as the computer asks you to.

This article also exists in Faroese.


[fo] Installera ein teldu av nýggjum

Installera ein teldu av nýggjum:
  1. Hav eina Windows fløgu, og lykilin til taks.
  2. Legg fløguna í og genstarta telduna.
  3. Um teldan biður teg trýsta á ein tast, so ger tað, so startar hon frá fløguni.
  4. Um hon ikki ger tað, so mást tú inn í BIOS at broyta okkurt.
    • Um tú ikki veit hvat tú ger, so steðga her! Er tað nakrastaðni har man skal vita hvat man ger, er tað í BIOS!! Tú kann gera óbótaligan skaða har!! Ring til onkran ið kennur okkurt til teldur og BIOS, og spyr.
    • Um tú veit hvat tú skal gera, so set telduna til at starta frá fløguni, goym broytinar, og genstarta telduna.
  5. Installationin startar nú, og tað kann taka eina góða løtu.
  6. Vel at tú skal gera eina nýggja installatión.
  7. Tá tú kemur til at skulla velja hvar Windows skal installerast og hvussu skalt tú velja hvar tað skal liggja, vel so (oftast) fyrsta diskin, og vel at hann skal formaterast í NTFS, og vel at tað skal vera "quick".
  8. Nú er tað bert straight forward :-) Fylg tí sum teldan sigur.
Hendan greinin finst eisini á enskum.


Monday, June 18, 2007

[en] The language of this blog

After having recieved comments on my choice of language as danish (here), I have reconsidered, and the official langauages have been changed to english and faroese. Hope this pleases the masses:-)

Faroese version here.


[fo] Málið á hesum blogginum

Eftir at hava móttikið viðmerkingar um valið av donskum sum høvuðsmál (her) á hesum bloggi, havi eg broytt tað til at vera enskt og føroykst. Vónandi blíðkar hetta fjøldina: -)

Enkst innlegg her.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

[en] Good advise for the computer

Below I have made a list of programs which might be helpful in various situations. I have preferrably listed free programs.

My best advise regarding the computer: Keep the following in order: [Anti-virus] - [Anti-spyware/adware] - [Firewall] - [Windows update]

Spyware/Adware - (Program which hamper the computer)

  • Spybot S&D - Removes spyware etc.
    1. Press "Update", press "Search for updates". If there are updates (are seen as a list below), then right-click on the list and choose "Select All". The press "Download Updates".
    2. Press "Immunize". If the program asks you to "... please immunize", then press the green cross o nthe top left, where it says "Immunize".
    3. Press "Search & Destroy". Press "Check for Problems". If anything was found, click on "Fix Selected Problems".
    4. That's it!
  • AD-Aware - Removes adware/spyware v.m.
  • CCleaner - Cleans away crap on your computer (unused files, entries etc.).

Avoid getting crap/sapyware/adware on your computer
  • Most people prefer to use Internet Explorer as web browser, however I would recommend Mozilla Firefox. It is faster, not as vulnerable to spyware/adware/virus and other crap. I would also recommend Mozilla Thunderbird as e-mail program/client. The advantages are the same as for Firefox.
  • Don't say 'Yes' or 'OK' when asked to install something on your computer, or to say 'Yes' or 'OK' to check your computer for virus, or to something else you are offered to install on your computer if you are browsing some webpage. Don't install any searchbar 'searchbar' that you are offered. And if you by accident install something, make sure to remove it as soon as possible.

This page is also available in Faroese.


[en] Media players/tools

Just to add a little piece on some media players/utils:
  • As a free DVD -player I recommend AVS DVD. It's free and without any adware.
  • As general media player I use WinAmp, nice, light, elegant etc (download the free light version).
  • As a ripping tool I use FreeRip. BUT BEVARE: It comes with some adware, so be carefull during installation.
This article is also available in Faroese.


[fo] Mediu spælarar/amboð

Bert fyri at skriva okkurt stutt um mediu spælarar/amboð:

  • Ein fríður DVD -spælari ið eg kann viðmæla er AVS DVD. Fríður og uttan adware.
  • Sum generellan avspælara brúki eg WinAmp, penur, lættur, elegantur osfr.(heinta "light versiónina).
  • At rippa fløgur við brúki eg FreeRip. [ADWARE-ÁVARING]: Har er adware(reklamur við) við, so ansi eftir at velja tað frá undir installationini. [NB] : Ansi eftir bert at rippa lógligt.
Hetta inleggið finst eisini á enskum.


Friday, June 1, 2007

[dk] Velkommen til min blog

Velkommen til min blog. Jeg har besluttet at skifte sproget til dansk, da det har flere potentielle læsere. Derfor vil langt de fleste indlæg herefter være på dansk. Jeg har belsluttet at lade mine gamle indlæg ligge, da der er folk der læser og bruger dem.

nyd det! Jari


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

[fo] Góð ráð til telduna

Niðanfyri havi eg gjørt ein lista yvir forrit/programmir sum kunnu hjálpa einum í ymsum støðum. Í mest møguligan mun havi eg sett frí/gratis forrit á listan.

Mítt besta ráð til telduna: Hav hetta í lagi: [Anti-virus] - [Anti-spyware/adware] - [Firewall] - [Windows update]

Spyware/Adware - (forrit sum gera fortreð á ymsan hátt)

  • Spybot S&D - Fjernar spyware v.m.
    1. Trýst á "Update", trýst á "Search for updates". Um har eru uppdateringar (síggjast sum ein listi niðanfyri), so høgra klikk mitt á listan og vel "Select All". Trýst síðani á "Download Updates".
    2. Trýst á "Immunize". Um hann biður teg "... please immunize", so trýst á tann grøna krossin ovast til vinstu har tað stendur "Immunize".
    3. Trýst á "Search & Destroy". Trýst á "Check for Problems". Um nakað verður funnið, trýst á "Fix Selected Problems".
    4. Hatta var tað!
  • AD-Aware - Fjernar adware/spyware v.m.
  • CCleaner - Ruddar ymiskt upp á telduni.
Anti virus

Ungang at fáa "skrebu" á telduna
  • Flest øll dáma best at brúka Internet Explorer sum browsara, men eg vil viðmæla Mozilla Firefox. Hann er skjótari, ikki so sárbarur fyri spyware/adware/virus og øðrum lorti. Eisini vil eg viðmæla Mozilla Thunderbird sum post forrit. Fordeilirnir eru teir somu sum við Firefox.
  • Lat vera við at siga "ja" til at installera ymiskt á telduna, ella við at siga "ja" ella "ok" til at kanna telduna fyri virus, ella okkurt annað um tú ert á eini heimasíðu. Ikki installera nakra leitibar "searchbar" sum tú fær bjóðað. Og um tú kemur at installera okkurt, syrg so fyri at fjerna tað so skjótt sum møguligt.


Monday, May 28, 2007

[fo] Vælkomin á mín blog

Hey tit øll

Vælkomin á mín blog - hetta er mín fyrsti bloggur, so verið tolin. Men gerið gjarna viðmerkingar.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

[fo] Antivirus guide

Eftirsum ongin veit nakað um antivirus er gott at summi kanna málið. Her er eitt link til eina góða samanbering/guide.

Niðurstøðan er nokk at man skal halda seg til Steganos antivirus 2007.

alt tað besta og gleðiliga hvítusunnu!



Saturday, April 7, 2007

[fo] Links

Saturday, March 10, 2007

[fo] Flatskerms sjónvarp

Listin yvir sjónvørp: her.
Við digitalum tunara: her.

Guide & góð ráð til flatskermssjónvørp: her.


Friday, March 9, 2007

[en] Where have I been?

[fo] Installera Vista uppá 5min / [dk] Installér Vista på 5 min

[fo] Tað sær út til at man kann installera Windows Vista uppá 5 min... sí link niðan fyri.

[dk] Det ser ud til at man kan installere Windows Vista på 5 min... se link nedenfor.

Windows XP:

Windows Vista:
Installera Vista uppá 5 min /Installér Vista på 5 min (

Originalt link: here

Originalur tekstur(Vista)/ Original tekst(Vista) [1] [2] :

Installer Vista på fem minutter

Ved å bruke en minnepinne kan du installere Vista på noen få minutter.

DVD-spilleren din er ikke i nærheten av hastighetene en god minnepinne gir deg. For litt over 400 norske kroner får du 4GB minne med meget god hastighet.

Glem halvtimes Vista-installasjoner
Å installere Vista tar kortere tid en sin forgjenger, Windows XP. Du må regne med ca. 20-30 min. Med en minnepenn som har en lesehastighet på 25MB i sekundet og en skrivehastighet på 14MB i sekundet kan du krympe tiden du bruker betraktelig.

Det er veldig enkelt å installere fra en minnepenn. Du trenger kun å formatere den, kopiere over filene og boote.

1. Start -> kjør -> skriv cmd trykk enter.
2. Skriv diskpart
3. Velg disk 1 (sørg for at minnepennen din er disk 1, skriv list disk for å sjekke)
4. Skriv clean
5. Skriv create partition primary
6. Skriv select partition 1
7. Skriv active
8. Skriv format fs=fat32
9 Skriv assign
10. Skriv exit og du er klar til å kopiere innholdet fra Vista DVDen over til minnepennen.

Dette gjøres også i cmd med denne kommandoen: xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\

Ta omstart av maskinen og boot fra din nye Vista-minnepenn.

Kurt Shintaku's Blog

Here's some step-by-step instructions on how we do this, some of which was adapted from Josh's instructions, again, kudos to Josh.

  1. Acquire an ultra-fast USB 2.0 flash drive
    The drive I and my coworkers recommend is the Apacer 4GB Handy Steno USB Flash Drive HT203, 200X Hi-Speed USB 2.0. It's the fastest USB 2.0 Flash Drive that we've found - it has a read speed of 25MBytes/sec. & a write speed-14MBytes/sec and also works great as a ReadyBoost cache. You can get them from $56.99 each:

    Incidentally, once you've got Windows Vista up and running, you may want to consider getting an ultra-fast SDFlash card, installing it into your laptop or desktop, and leaving it there as a ReadyBoost cache. Why? It can't hurt and they're so cheap that it's worth getting. I personally got a SDFlash card for every one of my machines - the A-DATA 2GB Secure Digital Memory Card, 150X Turbo SD Card has a read speed of more than 22.5MB/s and a write speed of more than 15MB/s. You can get them for $19.99 each:
  2. Format the Apacer Flash Drive
    Run CMD.EXE and type the following. Note: This set of commands assumes that the USB flash drive is addressed as "disk 1". you should double check that by doing a list of the disks (type "list disk") before cleaning it. If you have multiple hard drives, like an SDFlash drive or a Multibay drive, you could end up wiping your second drive using this command.
    (This was a warning that Josh added to his post along with the following commands that I copied from him, so kudos to Josh)
    1. diskpart
    2. select disk 1
    3. clean
    4. create partition primary
    5. select partition 1
    6. active
    7. format fs=fat32
    8. assign
    9. exit
  3. Copy Windows Vista's DVD ROM content to the Flash Drive
    Simply issue the following command to start copying all the content from the Windows Vista DVD to your newly formatted high speed flash drive.
    • xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\

And that's it. Boot up the machine, have it boot off the USB drive, and watch how fast the installation completes. If you thought Windows Vista installed quickly before (usually 20-25 minutes per install of Windows Vista Ultimate Edition) then let's see how you like having Windows Vista install in less than 5-10 minutes. The slowest part of the install will probably be the computer waiting for you to type in information in the setup fields, and even that can be automated using the Windows Automated Installation Kit.

(Oh yeah... and for you server jockeys: Windows Server Longhorn will be installable in the same way. Gone are the days of waiting more than an hour just to get the OS up and running!)


Thursday, March 8, 2007

[en] Welcome to my blog

Hi everyone

Welcome to my blog - this is my first blog, so be patient.

