Current OS: | Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) |
PC | Dell Latitude D600 |
CPU | 1.8Pentium4 M |
RAM | 1GB |
> cd /usr/src/modules
tar -zxvf ndiswrapper-version.tar.gz
> cd ndiswrapper-version
> make distclean
> make
> make isntall
> ndiswrapper -l
> ndiswrapper -i filename.inf
> depmod -adoes not report error, the proceed to
> modprobe ndiswrapperwhich loads the driver and should respond: "ndiswrapper version
> ifconfigor
Download the source code from
Then install the following packages:
libcurses-perl libncurses5 libncurses5-dbg libncurses5-dev libreadline4 libreadline4-dbg libreadline4-dev libdb1-compat libdb3 libdb3-dev libdb3-util zlib1g-devusing apt-get.
Download Windows client (still in testing) version 0.09f :
Download Windows client (still in testing) version 0.09g :
Download Windows client (still in testing) version 0.09h :
Box backup newsgroup
I am currently testing the windows client, and will post more when I have something relevant to post:).
Testing: (
Install the Windows client software (boxwin0.08f.exe) on the Windows computer. Install in the default location otherwise you will have to modify the config file to take into account the new locations. This client works on Windows XP/2000, it does not work on /98/ME/NT.
hint 1
Go to the Samba share (or do it some other way. In either way, copy the files.) and copy your certificate files to c:\Program Files\Box Backup\. They are:
1234-FileEncKeys.raw 1234-key.pem serverCA.pem 1234-cert.pemEdit the bbackupd.conf on the Windows machine. For our example here is what was edited:
StoreHostname = YOURWEBSITE.COM AccountNumber = 0x1234 KeysFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\1234-FileEncKeys.raw CertificateFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\1234-cert.pem PrivateKeyFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\1234-key.pem TrustedCAsFile = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\serverCA.pemThis is the data that will be backed up on the Windows machine. You can add any directories here. We added the Box Backup Directory:
BackupLocations { MyDocuments { Path = C:\Documents and Settings\ Path = C:\Program Files\Box Backup\ } }Go to the Services window and make sure that Box Backup is running and make set to Automatic.
Linux can read but not write to NTFS disks.
Linux can read and write to FAT32 disks.
In order to do this you have to edit the /etc/fstab file. This requires root access!
I have two NTFS disks and one FAT32 disk on my system. Here is my fstab file.
The lines:
/dev/hda1 /c ntfs ro,user,auto 0 0 /dev/hdc1 /d ntfs ro,user,auto 0 0show how I have done this.
/dev/hda4 /e vfat user,auto 0 0
> mkdir c > mkdir d > mkdir e > chmod a+rw /c > chmod a+rw /d > chmod a+rw /e
For at faroese keybaord layout in linux, download and copy the file fo (hoary) fo (breezy) to the location /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/fo in your linux filesystem. Then go to the keyboard preferences, and choose Faroese as your language (do not use the "eliminate dead keys" option).
Hints for creating the layout are taken from
I can not live without these packages installed:
emacs21 kate xmms mozilla-firefox mozilla mozilla-calendar mozilla-thunderbird mozilla-psm mozilla-mailnews mozilla-chatzilla mozilla-dom-inspector ndiswrapper-source ndiswrapper-utils ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.10-5-386 gaim-encryption gaim-guifications gaim skype gftp msttcorefonts ifaroese wfaroese latex2html xfig xfig-doc xfig-libs tetex-base tetex-bin tetex-doc tetex-extra bibtool bibview tetex-brev src2tex rtf2latex dialog texi2html perl-tk transfig perl-doc gv chktex lacheck rubber gsfonts-x11 spell advi tkdvi wv kdvi swf-player scite bluefish openssl gcc g++ libssl-dev libcurses-perl libncurses5 libncurses5-dbg libncurses5-dev libreadline4 libreadline4-dbg libreadline4-dev libdb1-compat libdb3 libdb3-dev libdb3-util zlib1g-dev language-pack-fo language-pack-fo-base language-pack-kde-fo language-pack-kde-fo-base language-support-fo
To install all these packages, you will have to have a sources.list file like mine.
My sources.list (hoary) file can be downloaded here.
My sources.list (breezy) file can be downloaded here.
>apt-get -f installafter having run
>dpkg -i ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb
>dpkg -i skype_1.2.0.11-1_i386.deb"
apt-get install "packagename" Install the package
apt-cache search "string" Searches in package list for string.
apt-get update Updates package list.
apt-get dist-upgrade Upgrades all installed packages
The name of your computer (or localhost) is located in /etc/init.d/hostname. You will also have to change the /etc/hosts file.
Edit the sources.list file in /etc/apt and just replace all "hoary" with "breezer".
My sources.list (breezer) file can be downloaded here (dont forget to rename).
There were problems:
Fixed by using
Fixed by using
As it looks right now, The Mozilla suite is dead and gone :(