Friday, August 31, 2007

[en] Oooops! Too much browsing

I just became member of a very exclusive club, the club to have experienced something very special. To see what I saw go here.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

[en] List open ports on your PC

Have you ever wondered which ports are open on your PC? Both active outgoing and listening?
A tip is to use netstat which is built into Windows. I used the netstat -ano command (from the command prompt) to find a process which was using a port, which was meant to be used by another program. The above command will provide you with the Process ID (PID) of the program for each connection. The use the Windows Task Manager to find the PID (can be seen under the Processes tab, provided that you have selected the PID to be display).

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

[en] Windows XP shortcuts

Windows XP contains a lot of (mostly) unknown shortcuts and key kombinations. I have obtained a document with a lot of these listed, and am making them available here. Below is the first section of the list, and the full list (original) in HTML format is here.

Opens the Start menu
+ E Opens My Computer in Windows Explorer
+ Pause/Break Opens the System Properties dialog box
+ U Opens the Utility Manager
+ R Opens the Run… prompt
+ F Opens the Search for Files and Folder window
+ Ctrl + F Opens the search for computers on the network
+ M Minimize all windows
+ Shift + M Maximize all windows (after minimizing them)
+ D Minimize all windows to the desktop, and then restore all Windows
+ L Lock Computer

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Monday, August 13, 2007

[en] To undelete your files

Just another snippet... (I've gotta put them together at some point)

To undelete a file or files that you have deleted by accident (and they are not in your "Recycle bin" or "Trash".

  • FreeUndelete: Yesterday I had significant success using the program FreeUndelete, which is free and can be downloadewd here. It is not the most user-friendly program in the world, but bear with it, it just might help you out.

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