
Home of Jari

Word of the day...

Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal?
It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt.
Do you know what's not natural?
80 year old dudes with hard-ons. That's not natural.
But we got pills for that.
We're dedicating all our medical resources to keeping the old guys erect,
but we're putting people in jail for something that grows in the dirt?

... All the jokes...

My How-To Blog

[2022-09-09] My old blog relaunched. I write on nerd stuff, mostly Linux / Ubuntu. Find My How-To blog here

LaTeX codes

[2017-05-13] A pretty comprehensive list of LaTeX codes is found at List of LaTeX symbols.

New website for Mossbauer fitting program Fit;o)

[2011-02-28] The new website for Fit;o) is at www.fit-nice.eu. Please visit and spread the link, and update your bookmarks.

tvass.eu: A new website and blog for how to do stuff....

[2011-02-28] I have recently lauched a whole website (www.tvass.eu) to mirror the content of my technical blog at new blog site (myhowtodoit.blogspot.com). Please visit and spread the link.

Debian blog articles here on this page...

[2010-11-06] As earlier mentioned I have recently lauched a new blog site. I have now decided to feature the articles that I write in that blog here on this page as well.
So here is the first paper in the series on running and configuring a Debian server on a Linksys NSLU2: How to install debian on the NSLU2.

The my-how-to-do-it

[2010-10-25] I have recentely launched the my-how-to-do-it blog, where I am blogging about all sorts of technical stuff, Bebian linux, backup systems and tips and tricks. Please visit and get some inspiration or find out "how I did it" :-)
The first content on the blog is a series of article-snippets describing how to install Debian linux on the Linksys NSLU2 and to use it as home data center.

Phoenix Mars Lander lands on Mars tomorrow!

[2007-05-24] Tomorrow (sunday 25-05-08) the space probe Phoenix lands, if all goes well on the north pole on Mars. This is a very exiting landing, as the area where Phoenix is intended to land in, most likely is rich in water ice, and a large part of the investigations are related to the search for life. read more on [www.nasa.gov/phoenix] and [www.nbi.ku.dk/mars].
Articles on Phoenix: #1 videnskab.dk, #2 Ingeniøren.
Video : Video #1 - NASA TV - NASA TV Media Player
Blogs: [Dansk blog frá Tucson, Arizona] [planetary.org] [Nice! #1]
portal.fo: [Article #1]

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